Early Warning Signs of Sepsis to Look Out For


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September is Sepsis Awareness Month. Sepsis is potentially life-threatening when the body responds improperly to an infection. Early detection and treatment of sepsis can increase the chances of successful recovery with no or few adverse effects on one’s health and well-being. Services like recovery care can further support healing in individuals, especially seniors, to encourage total recovery from sepsis.

Sepsis can lead to organ failure and even death if not treated promptly and appropriately. Here are some early warning signs of sepsis to look out for:

  • Fever
    One of the most evident signs of sepsis is a high fever following a wound or injury. If left alone for more extended periods, the risk of permanent damage or effects to the kidneys increase. Those often experiencing kidney damage or disease need assistance at home from services like our concierge home care services in Texas.

    Home care services can assist those recovering from illness at home with services like long term care, companion care, and personal care, providing assistance with daily living activities.
  • Low Blood Pressure
    Hypotension or low blood pressure can occur during sepsis, causing symptoms like lightheadedness, fainting, or extreme weakness.
  • Confusion or an Altered Mental State
    Sepsis can also affect the brain and, in severe cases, even cause permanent brain damage. When sepsis affects the brain, symptoms and warning signs can include confusion, disorientation, dizziness, or difficulty concentrating. We offer concierge home care in Katy, Texas, to promote independence, comfort and to aid in recovery.

Learn more about in-home care in Texas by calling Magnolia Personal Home Care Services at 281-215-5214. Services you could expect from us include personal care, companionship services, medication reminders, and many more.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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